Our Horses
We would not be able to do what we do without our special horses, they are loved, valued members of our club. Our horses train not only in vaulting but also cross train in English riding. Any breed of horse can be a vaulting horse but typically you'll see drafts, draft crosses and warmbloods ideal for the sport as they are big and strong and possess the calm disposition and steady gait required to be a vaulting horse.
Clydesdale/Thoroughbred Cross
Cyrus is kind and curious, lower in the herd pecking order, he gets along with all horses. Cyrus knows his job very well as he is our most experienced vaulting horse having been with the club since 2017, we adore his puppy dog personality. Cyrus was awarded the BC Trot Horse.
Bumble Bee
Bumbles is our only mare, she's as sweet as she looks and has a kind, gentle nature, perfect for her job as walk/trot horse for the youngest vaulters. If you scratch her neck you've made a friend for life.
Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross
Rocky is a sweet easy-going guy who knows his job well and does it beautifully- Rocky is our main canter horse for our more experienced vaulters. When arriving for feeding, he's the first to greet you with an excited whinny. Rocky enjoys all the love and attention he gets from the vaulters everyday, especially the cookies.
Jellybean is a club favourite among all the kids, ok he's a favourite among the adults too - Just look at how cute he is! Mainly a companion horse, Jellybean is a little gentleman, he's patient and calm which makes him perfect to teach little humans all about how to care for horses. Jellybean participates in many of our spring and summer camps standing quietly while the littlest vaulters groom him and learn equine anatomy.
Promise - In Memoriam
“Time will fade these hoofprints, the ones left on our hearts will never disappear.”
Promise had been with our club for over a decade and prior to joining us was a vaulting horse for many years with Warm Beach Vaulters in Washington. A handsome Belgian thoroughbred cross, Promise knew his job well and did it with flair, he knew when to be calm and quiet when he had small children on him and when to turn up the power for the senior vaulters. Promise won BC Team horse and BC Pairs horse award many times over and helped countless vaulters achieve medals and ribbons over the years- most notably, his dedicated, loving owner and club head coach, Alisa Dearborn. In his mid-twenties, Promise competed at FEI level right up until spring of 2022, his final competition was BC Provincial Championships held in Chilliwack. Promise leaves behind an incredible legacy having touched the lives of the hundreds of vaulters he has carried over the years. Promise, your trust, loyalty and gentle nature will never be forgotten…Thank You.