RegistrationClick below to print off our waiver and bring to class, we will have paper copies at the barn too. Freedom Acrobatics Waiver Participant Name * First Name Last Name Parent Phone Number if minor child (###) ### #### Accept Text Messages? Yes No Parent/Guardian OR Emergency Contact Name First Name Last Name Emergency Phone (###) ### #### Alternate Emergency Contact full name and number Email * Participant Birthday (only if minor) MM DD YYYY Allergies/Health Concerns Previous vaulting or riding experience? What level?* *No experience required Horse Council of BC membership number* *if you have one already Program Recreation $45 per lesson (includes optional ground training on Wednesdays) Intro Competitive $320/month (individual, team/pairs, ground training.) Competitive $380/month (2 individual, place on a team or pairs, ground training mandatory) FEI Level $420/month (all-inclusive classes, ground training mandatory.) Do you consent to you or your minor child's photograph being taken at practice/shows for potential use on social media and/or the Freedom Acrobatics website? YES NO Thank you!